who we are
Shade Video LLC is a videography company in New Jersey who specializes in Creative Media. Our goal is to make every filmed event memorable as we take the hard work of capturing each moment with our professional team. We promise to take the time to artfully craft every story line with prudence to each individual client. For five years we have devoted ourselves to the crafting of Creative Media and continue to build confidence to all. Our promise is to have all Photo and Video needs taken care of, from planning, consulting, and executing, our team will give you one less thing to worry about for your media needs.

Our Latest Weddings
“Architecture is a visual art and the buildings speak for themselves.” We are very proud to partner with Hotels and Lodges in providing customers with Walk-through Content and Photography.
Realty Photos and Virtual Walkthroughs
Promotional Videography & Marketing Services
Our video services helps businesses, non-profits, or content creators on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Youtube, and more with our Media Packages. Here are some of our clients.

Dr. George Morris
Active Care

Simone Gordon
The Black Fairy Godmother

Richard Cox
Team Unity
Our Latest Projects